The four pillars of great street appeal

Creating great street appeal is pretty much the holy grail when it comes to preparing your property for sale.

Get it right and your home stands out from the crowd. Get it wrong and the condition of your property raises a whole host of red flags for potential buyers that could cost you in terms of time the property spends on the market and also the price that property commands.

So when it comes to great street appeal are there any hard and fast rules? We’re glad you asked, because when it comes to creating street appeal, it pays to stand back, assess the front of your home and consider the following four things…

Things to fix

When you stand back and look at the front of your property with a critical eye, is there anything that needs fixing?

Is there something that’s broken, incomplete, or just looks tired and old?

They might seem small but unfinished projects, flaking paint, or broken things out the front of a property raise a whole lot of red flags for buyers, indicating perhaps the property hasn’t been cared for or maybe there’s something more serious that lies beneath.

As you make this assessment of the front of your home, be sure to look at all elements, including the fence, front path, driveway, fascia, gutters, windows, porch, front garden and more.

As a pro tip, take an extra long look at your front door, could it benefit from a bit of a ‘fix’ in the form of fresh paint?

Things to replace

Sometimes small upgrades or improvements can add a big wow factor to the street appeal of your home.

Take for example items like your exterior light fittings, door handle, knocker, front gate and letterbox. If these items look tired or dated they might be worth replacing and while you’re at it have a look at your front garden.

Are there plants that might need refreshing or a bit of TLC in the lead up to the property going on the market?

Things to take away

It’s funny how clutter can build up around the home without you even noticing. You know, small things like shoes discarded at the front door or hoses left lying about the garden.

Great street appeal involves removing this clutter, including extraneous pot plants, weeds, extra garden ornaments or even children’s toys that might dot the yard.

Things to add

After peeling it back to only the attractive necessities, ask yourself is there anything that needs to be added?

This might include final touches like statement plants beside the front door or a splash of potted colour in a hanging plant.

It could also extend to suitable furniture such as a table and chairs on the front porch. 

These final touches are designed to complete the emotional connection that your property should evoke, making it warm, welcoming and enticing so prospective buyers feel compelled to investigate further at an open for inspection.

How we can help

If you’re considering buying or selling a property and seeking to understand the current market conditions, why not chat with one of our friendly agents to understand how we can help?

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